Michele Buehl LMT, MMP

Michele has been a licensed massage therapist since 2010. She has experience with chiropractors, physical therapists and spas.  Michele is passionate about the practice of holistic therapies and is continuing her education to incorporate new techniques for advancement of massage therapy. In 2014 Michele traveled to Costa Rica to study and become a certified Medical Massage Practitioner.  Michele has been facilitating Sound Healing Meditations for 5 years now, she has 7 crystal singing bowls, gongs and other healing instruments. Michele also leads guided meditations and breath work. Her newest healing venture is in woman’s empowerment and emotional wellbeing, through her virtual Intuitive Mentoring sessions.

Michele knows a vast variety of different types and techniques of massage such as:  

  • Chinese massage cupping therapy

  • Electrical trigger point simulation

  • Hot and cold stone therapy

  • Lymphatic Massage

  • Reiki and Energy Work

  • Therapeutic facials

  • Pregnancy Massage

  • Rehabilitation massage

  • Pain management

  • Medical massage

  • Yoga Massage (restorative yoga with incorporated massage elements)

Her aim is to combine more medical based massage modalities with energetic practices to better treat the body as a whole on every cellular level.  She believes you are never too young or too old to start taking care of your body. Come relax and heal through Michele’s soulful eclectic massages and healing stretches

Magic is desire made real